Faculty, did you know that Bb Learn has a "Date Management" tool to make updating dates for all date-related settings in your course easier? This tool can be found in "Course Tools" in the left-side navigation of your Course Menu and should be used as part of the "Course Copy" process. Please refer to our help document titled, "How do I copy a course in Blackboard Learn?" for more information and helpful tips on how to use this tool. Additionally, you may be interested in our help documentation called "Checklist before making the course available to students (Blackboard Learn)" for a helpful checklist addressing the multitude of things to think about as you transition your course for the new semester.
Panopto Cloud/System is Currently Down - Resolved
At 10:01 a.m. CST, Panopto reports this outage is now resolved. "The Panopto NA Cloud is now available for all users. The source of the outage has been mitigated. Our cloud operations team is monitoring performance metrics to ensure the issue remains resolved."
At 9:12 a.m. CST on Wednesday 11/20/024, the UNI eLearning Admins received alerts from monitoring systems. We have verified the UNI Panopto System (uni.hosted.panopto.com) is not available directly or through Blackboard Learn. Panopto's status page acknowledges a 'full site outage'.