Bb Learn Instructors: In the Blackboard (Bb) Learn 'Needs Grading' tool, there is a setting called "Show attempts that don't contribute to user's grade". The November 2019 release (3700.14.0) installed on Thursday, November 7, 2019 changed that setting to now be "checked" by default. Previously the default setting was "unchecked". If you allow multiple attempts that require manual grading, you may now see more items listed in the 'Needs Grading' tool. Please visit the Grading multiple attempts help page for more information about this feature. NOTE: This settings is one of the filter options in the 'Needs Grading' tool, so it will not be saved for future logins. So unfortunately, this is a filter setting that you'll have to change each time you go into 'Needs Grading' tool.